(77 394 units), Audi A4 (75 341) and BMW 3 Series (72 288) compares. That hurts, as if the first (77.394 Einheiten), Audi A4 (75.341) und BMW 3er (72.288) vergleicht. Das schmerzt, als ob der 1. FC Bayern lost at home to VfB Stuttgart had. FC Bayern zu Hause gegen den VfB Stuttgart verloren hätte. Especially as the Audi A4 him even in the auto motor und sport readers choice " Best Cars of 2010 has replaced "by one rank. Zumal ihn der Audi A4 auch noch in der auto motor und sport-Leserwahl " Die besten Autos 2010 " von Rang eins verdrängt hat. The prestigious position of the table leader is also gone - and they Die prestigeträchtige Position des Tabellenführers ist also weg - und sie
advances expected in 2012 once again within reach, if the successor is launched. He has a good chance but to take over in the middle class, the role of the German master. rückt voraussichtlich erst 2012 wieder in greifbare Nähe, wenn der Nachfolger an den Start geht. Der hat dann aber gute Chancen, in der Mittelklasse die Rolle des Deutschen Meisters zu übernehmen. Visually, it was always a winner after all - almost a Cristiano Ronaldo Optisch war er schließlich schon immer ein Siegertyp - quasi ein Cristiano Ronaldo
the car scene. der Autoszene. And with its sporty handling, it is already a long one of the largest dribbling artists in its segment. The new BMW 3 Series is closely related to the BMW 1 Series used while maintaining the next generation models, a close relative of the 1 Series, which already starts in 2011 in a new form and so now in Germany is often sold as the 3 Series. Und mit seinem sportlichen Handling zählt er schon lange zu den größten Dribbelkünstlern seines Segments. Der neue BMW 3er ist eng mit dem BMW 1er verwandt Dabei bleibt die nächste Modellgeneration ein enger Verwandter des 1er, der bereits 2011 in neuer Form anläuft und mittlerweile in Deutschland so oft verkauft wird wie der 3er. . Both are based in turn on a platform with wishbone front and multi link rear axle, where the aluminum content is increased significantly in favor of a minimum weight three-cylinder for the BMW 3 Series modesty reigns even at the dimensions to the growth of the 3 Series in length, there are five, four inches in wheelbase. Beide basieren wiederum auf einer Plattform mit Dreiecksquerlenkern vorn und Mehrlenkerachse hinten, wobei der Alu-Anteil zugunsten eines möglichst geringen Gewichts deutlich gesteigert wird. Dreizylinder für den BMW 3er Bescheidenheit regiert auch bei den Maßen, um die der 3er wächst: in der Länge sind es fünf, im Radstand vier Zentimeter. Then with 4.58 meters, the series still represents the true middle class, an Audi A4 while it brings to at least 4.70 meters. Mit dann 4,58 Metern vertritt die Baureihe noch die echte Mittelklasse, während es ein Audi A4 immerhin auf 4,70 Meter bringt. From today's perspective sounds like the BMW -way reasonable, especially since there will be first offered in this class, a three-cylinder engine. Aus heutiger Sicht klingt der BMW -Weg vernünftiger, zumal hier erstmals in dieser Klasse auch ein Dreizylinder angeboten werden soll. This new family of turbocharged engine, code-B38, is being developed under auspices of BMW, while the next-generation four-cylinder (B48) in cooperation with the French PSA group is born. Diese neue Motorenfamilie mit Turboaufladung trägt den Code B38 und wird unter BMW-Ägide entwickelt, während die nächste Vierzylinder-Generation (B48) in Kooperation mit dem französischen PSA-Konzern entsteht.
This two-liter engines will deliver up to 245 horsepower, replacing the smaller number of sixes, as he does about the 523i with 204 hp. Diese Zweiliter-Triebwerke sollen bis zu 245 PS leisten und den kleineren Reihensechser ersetzen, wie er etwa im 523i mit 204 PS zum Einsatz kommt. In the three-liter engines will rank in 328i (258 hp) and 335i (306 hp), which remained the classic six-cylinder format. Darüber rangieren dann die Dreiliter-Motoren in 328i (258 PS) und 335i (306 PS), die weiterhin über das klassische Sechszylinder-Format verfügen. The entry-level 316i will once again have a true 1.6-liter (the Mini) under the hood, which is converted to longitudinal mounting and rear-wheel drive. Diesel remain unchanged for Das Einstiegsmodell 316i hat künftig wieder einen echten 1,6-Liter (vom Mini) unter der Haube, der auf Längseinbau und Heckantrieb umgerüstet wird. Diesel bleiben zunächst unverändert
With the diesels, there is initially little change: 318d (150 hp), 320d (184 hp) and 325d (204 hp) will be maintained, as are the engines still young in 330d (245 hp) and 335d (286 hp). Bei den Dieseln gibt es zunächst wenig Veränderungen: 318d (150 PS), 320d (184 PS) und 325d (204 PS) bleiben erhalten, genauso wie die noch jungen Motoren in 330d (245 PS) und 335d (286 PS). BMW is working but also to a successor generation to the three-cylinder in the ILO study Vision Efficient Dynamics has provided an outlook and a surprising number of common parts with the four-cylinder petrol engines have to. The familiar six-speed automatic replaced in Series 1 and 3 one with eight speeds which is more compact and four kilograms of weight saving. BMW arbeitet allerdings auch hier an einer Nachfolgegeneration, auf die der Dreizylinder in der IAA-Studie Vision Efficient Dynamics einen Ausblick gegeben hat und die überraschend viele Gleichteile mit den Vierzylinder-Benzinern aufweisen soll. Die bekannte Sechsgangautomatik ersetzt in 1er und 3er eine mit acht Gängen, die kompakter baut und vier Kilogramm Gewicht einspart. A start-stop system is up to that coverage for all engine and transmission options to have. Eine Start-Stopp-Automatik ist bis dahin flächendeckend für alle Motor- und Getriebevarianten zu haben. She helps solve that of ones in a future fuel-saving version is less than 100 g / km CO2 discharges, while the most frugal of three is just lying about it. Sie trägt mit dazu bei, dass der Einser künftig in einer Spritsparversion weniger als 100 g/km CO2 ausstößt, während der genügsamste Dreier knapp darüber liegen wird. For comparison: The current 316d brings it to an ECE value of 118 g / km More variety of models, BMW 3 Series and BMW 1 Series. Zum Vergleich: Der aktuelle 316d bringt es auf einen ECE-Wert von 118 g/km. Mehr Modellvielfalt bei BMW 3er und BMW 1er
In general, the world of BMW 3 Series and BMW 1 Series on their common technology architecture is more varied. Generell wird die Welt von BMW 3er und BMW 1er auf ihrer gemeinsamen Technik-Architektur variantenreicher. The 1 Series gets a kind of combination put to the side, which will offer significantly more space than the sedan just cut, and from 3 to 5 GT is similar in the future, a variable spin with a large hatch for election. Der 1er bekommt eine Art Kombi zur Seite gestellt, der deutlich mehr Platz bieten soll als die knapp geschnittene Limousine, und vom 3er steht künftig analog zum 5er GT ein variabler Ableger mit großer Heckklappe zur Wahl. Continue to offer course are combined, coupe and the new edition of convertibles -. Again with a folding metal roof in order by 2020, as announced by CEO Norbert Reithofer in these days of increasing sales from now 1.3 to two million cars per year, must The model program will be expanded further - up to a roughly four-meter-long baby-BMW front wheel drive based on the Mini as the new Audi A1 competitors. Weiterhin im Angebot sind natürlich Kombi, Coupé und die Neuauflage des Cabrios – erneut mit faltbarem Blechdach. Um bis 2020, wie von Konzernchef Norbert Reithofer in diesen Tagen angekündigt, den Absatz von jetzt 1,3 auf zwei Millionen Autos pro Jahr zu steigern, muss das Modellprogramm weiter ausgebaut werden – bis hin zu einem rund vier Meter langen Baby-BMW mit Frontantrieb auf Basis des Mini als neuen Audi A1-Konkurrenten. The 3 Series is going to do this option does not hurt. Dem 3er wird diese Variante nicht weh tun. But he could do more to create the 5 Series, when he goes up for sale starting in spring 2012 with all the Asssistenzsystemen that were previously only at BMW in the upper middle class Dafür könnte er eher dem 5er zu schaffen machen, wenn er zum Verkaufsstart im Frühjahr 2012 mit all den Asssistenzsystemen antritt, die bislang bei BMW nur in der oberen Mittelklasse
or are available in the luxury car segment. oder im Luxuswagensegment erhältlich sind.
For example, there would be the speed limit detection, the camera works by speed limits and grossed in the display, but unlike Mercedes and its repeal. Da wäre zum Beispiel die Tempolimit-Erkennung, die per Kamera arbeitet und Geschwindigkeitsbeschränkungen ins Display einspielt, aber anders als bei Mercedes auch ihre Aufhebung. Furthermore, a parking assist takes over additional charge automatic parking, and lane departure warning shakes inattentive drivers via steering wheel vibration alert. Desweiteren übernimmt ein Parkassistent gegen Aufpreis selbsttätiges Einparken, und der Spurverlassenswarner rüttelt unaufmerksame Fahrer per Lenkradvibrationen wach. Moreover, the system warns against objects in the blind spot by small warning symbols are recorded in the exterior mirrors. Überdies warnt das System vor Objekten im toten Winkel, indem kleine Warnsymbole in den Außenspiegeln eingespielt werden.
The cruise control works up to a speed of 180 km / h and can decelerate to a stop and re-approach, while the Adaptivlicht provides with high-beam assistant at night for situation-specific illumination of the road. Der Abstandsregeltempomat arbeitet bis zu einer Geschwindigkeit von 180 km/h und kann bis zum Stillstand abbremsen und wieder anfahren, während das Adaptivlicht mit Fernlichtassistent bei Nacht für situationsgerechte Ausleuchtung der Straße sorgt. Important unique selling point compared to Audi, BMW and Mercedes is still the head-up display, which will first be available in 3, and grossed about speedometer and navigation device on the windshield. Wichtiges Alleinstellungsmerkmal gegenüber Audi und Mercedes ist bei BMW immer noch das Head-up-Display, das erstmals im 3er erhältlich sein wird und Infos von Tacho und Navigationsgerät auf die Frontscheibe einspielt. New maps of the multimedia system with Google Earth links also allow the view from the sky. The new BMW 3 Series is sleeker Neue Kartendarstellungen im Multimedia-System mit Google-Earth-Anbindung erlauben zudem den Blick aus der Vogelperspektive. Der neue BMW 3er wird schnittiger
If BMW really shoot the bird with this concept remains to be seen. Ob BMW mit diesem Konzept wirklich den Vogel abschießt, bleibt abzuwarten. It is clear that the 3 optical especially in the front has become sleeker. Fest steht, dass der 3er optisch vor allem im Bereich der Front schnittiger geworden ist. Contributing to this are the small running lights. Dazu tragen auch die schmaler verlaufenden Scheinwerfer bei. Even the flanks into the rear lights drawn far to strengthen the dynamics. Selbst die weit in die Flanken gezogenen Rückleuchten stärken die Dynamik. A well-trained athletes by then, a professional who has certainly only one goal in mind: the position of leader of the standings. Ein bestens durchtrainierter Sportler also, ein Profi, der mit Sicherheit nur ein Ziel vor Augen hat: die Position des Tabellenführers.
BMW has found this line: The new edition of the 2012 3 Series starts in the design style of the current 7 Series and 5 Series. Technically, however, it resembles more like the 1 Series, with whom he shares the basic architecture remains. Technically, however, it resembles more like the 1 Series, with whom he shares the basic architecture remains. The new BMW 3 Series comes in 2012 It was a hell of a close finish last year - for a BMW and bitter realization that the 3 stands as the loser in this race. The new BMW 3 Series comes in 2012 It was a hell of a close finish last year - for BMW and a bitter realization that the 3 stands as the loser in this race. At least, if the sales figures in Germany between the three Erzkonkurrenten Mercedes C-Class At least, if the sales figures in Germany between the three Erzkonkurrenten Mercedes C-Class (77 394 units), Audi A4 (75 341) and BMW 3 Series (72 288) compares. That hurts, as if the first (77 394 units), Audi A4 (75 341) and BMW 3 Series (72 288) compares. That hurts, as if the first Bayern lost at home to VfB Stuttgart had. FC Bayern lost at home to VfB Stuttgart had. Especially as the Audi A4 him even in the auto motor und sport readers choice "Best Cars of 2010 has replaced" by one rank. Especially since it has replaced the Audi A4 also in the auto motor und sport readers choice "Best Cars of 2010" by one rank. The prestigious position of the table leader is also gone - and they, the prestigious position of the table leader is also gone - and they advances expected in 2012 once again within reach, if the successor is launched. He has a good chance but to take over in the middle class, the role of the master Deutsch. advances expected in 2012 once again within reach, if the successor is launched. But then who has a good chance to take over in the middle class, the role of the German master. Visually, it was always a winner after all - almost a Cristiano Ronaldo Visually, it was always a winner after all - almost a Cristiano Ronaldo The car scene. the car scene. And with its sporty handling, it is already a long one of the largest in its segment dribbling artists. The new BMW 3 Series is closely related to the BMW 1 Series used while Maintaining the next generation models, a close relative of the 1 Series, Which already starts in 2011 in a new form and so now in Germany is often sold as the 3 Series . And with its sporty handling, it is one of the largest long dribbling artists in its segment. The new BMW 3 Series is closely related to the BMW 1 Series This is the next generation model is a close relative of the 1 Series, which starts already in 2011 a new form and is now sold in Germany as much as the 3 Series. . Both are based in turn on a platform with wishbone front and multilink rear axle, where the aluminum content is increased significantly in favor of a minimum weight three-cylinder for the BMW 3 Series modesty reigns even at the dimensions to the growth of the 3 Series in length, there are five, four inches in wheelbase. Both are based in turn on a platform with wishbone front and multi-link rear axle, where the aluminum content is increased significantly in favor of a minimum weight. Three cylinder for the BMW 3 Series modesty reigns even when the measurements to the growing 3: in length it's five, four inches in wheelbase. Then with 4:58 meters, the series still represents the true middle class, while at Audi A4 it brings to at least 4.70 meters. Then with 4.58 meters, the series still represents the true middle class, an Audi A4 while it brings to at least 4.70 meters. From today's perspective sounds like the BMW-way reasonable, especially since there will be first offered in this class, a three-cylinder engine. From today's perspective sounds like the BMW-way reasonable, especially since there will be first offered in this class, a three-cylinder engine. This new family of turbocharged engine, code-B38, is being developed under auspices of BMW, while the next-generation four-cylinder (B48) in cooperation with the French PSA group is born. This new family of turbocharged engine, code-B38, is being developed under auspices of BMW, while the next-generation four-cylinder (B48) in cooperation with the French PSA group is born. Google ad Mercedes Engine Transmissions, engines, sheet metal parts etc.. More than 50,000 Mercedes Used Parts www.att24-gmbh.de/motor+ mercedes This two-liter engines will deliver up to 245 horsepower, replacing the smaller number of sixes, as he does about the 523i with 204 hp. This two-liter engines will deliver up to 245 horsepower, replacing the smaller number of sixes, as he does about the 523i with 204 hp. In the three-liter engines will rank in Which 328i (258 hp) and 335i (306 hp), six-cylinder Remained the classic format. In the three-liter engines will rank in 328i (258 hp) and 335i (306 hp), which remained the classic six-cylinder format. The entry-level 316i will once again have a true 1.6-liter (the Mini) under the hood, Which is converted to longitudinal mounting and rear-wheel drive. Diesel remain unchanged for the entry level 316i will once again have a true 1.6-liter (the Mini) under the hood, which is converted to longitudinal mounting and rear-wheel drive. Diesel remain unchanged for
With the diesels, there is initially little change: 318d (150 hp), 320d (184 hp) and 325d (204 hp) will be maintained, as are the engines still young in the 330d (245 hp) and 335d (286 hp). With the diesels, there is initially little change: 318d (150 hp), 320d (184 hp) and 325d (204 hp) will be maintained, as are the engines still young in 330d (245 hp) and 335d (286 hp). BMW is working but also to a successor generation to the three-cylinder in the ILO study on Vision Efficient Dynamics has provided outlook and a surprising number of common parts with the four-cylinder petrol engines have to. The familiar six-speed automatic replaced in Series 1 and 3 one with eight speeds Which is more compact and four kilograms of weight saving. BMW is working here but also to a successor generation to the three-cylinder in the ILO study Vision Efficient Dynamics has provided an outlook and a surprising number of common parts with the four-cylinder gasoline engines have. The familiar six-speed automatic replaced in Series 1 and 3 with an eight-course, which is more compact and four kilograms of weight saving. A start-stop system is up to that coverage for all engine and transmission options to have. A start-stop system is up to that coverage for all engine and transmission options to have. She helps solve that of ones in a future fuel-saving version is less than 100 g / km CO2 discharges, while the most frugal of three is just lying about it. She helps solve that of ones in a future fuel-saving version is less than 100 g / km CO2 discharges, while the most frugal of three is just lying about it. For comparison: The current 316d brings it to at ECE value of 118 g / km More variety of models, BMW 3 Series and BMW 1 Series. For comparison: The current 316d brings it to an ECE value of 118 g / km. More variety of models, BMW 3 Series and BMW 1 Series
In general, the world of BMW 3 Series and BMW 1 Series on their common technology architecture is more varied. In general, the world of BMW 3 Series and BMW 1 Series on their common technology architecture is more varied. The 1 Series gets a kind of combination put to the side, Which Will Significantly offer more space than the sedan just cut, and from 3 to 5 GT is similar in the future, a spin variable with a large hatch for election. The 1 Series gets a kind of combination put to the side, which will offer significantly more space than the sedan just cut, and from 3 to 5 GT is similar in the future, a variable spin with a large hatch for election. Continue to offer course are combined, coupe and the new edition of convertibles -. Again with a folding metal roof in order by 2020, as announced by CEO Norbert Reithofer in these days of increasing sales from now 1.3 to two million cars per year, must The model program will be expanded further - up to a roughly four-meter- Long Baby-BMW front wheel drive based on the Mini as the new Audi A1 competitors. Furthermore, in the course are offered station wagon, coupe and convertible, the new edition of the - again with a folding metal roof. By 2020, as announced by CEO Norbert Reithofer in these days of increasing sales from now 1.3 to two million cars per year, the model program will be expanded further - up to about four feet long baby BMW with front-wheel drive based on the Mini as the new Audi A1 competitors. The 3 Series is going to do this option does not hurt. The 3 Series is going to do this option does not hurt. But he could do more to create the 5 Series when, he goes up for sale starting in spring 2012 with all the Asssistenzsystemen that were previously only at BMW in the upper middle class But he could do to create more like the 5 series when it goes on sale In spring 2012, competes with all the Asssistenzsystemen that previously only at BMW in the upper middle class or are available in the luxury car segment. or are available in the luxury car segment.
For example there, would be the speed limit detection, the camera works by speed limits and grossed in the display, but unlike Mercedes and its repeal. For example, there would be the speed limit detection, the camera works by speed limits and grossed in the display, but unlike Mercedes and its repeal. Alert Furthermore, a parking assist takes over additional charge automatic parking, and lane departure warning shakes inattentive drivers via steering wheel vibration. Furthermore, a parking assist takes over additional charge automatic parking, and lane departure warning shakes inattentive drivers via steering wheel vibration alert. Spot Moreover, the system warns against objects in the blind by small warning symbols are recorded in the exterior mirrors. Moreover, the system warns against objects in the blind spot by small warning symbols are recorded in the exterior mirrors.
The cruise control works up to a speed of 180 km / h and can decelerate to a stop and re-approach, while the Adaptivlicht provides with high-beam assistant at night for situation-specific illumination of the road. The cruise control works up to a speed of 180 km / h and can decelerate to a stop and re-approach, while the Adaptivlicht provides with high-beam assistant at night for situation-specific illumination of the road. Important unique selling point compared to Audi, BMW and Mercedes is still the head-up display, Which will be first available in 3, and grossed about speedometer and navigation device on the windshield. Important unique selling point compared to Audi, BMW and Mercedes is still the head-up display, which will first be available in 3, and grossed about speedometer and navigation device on the windshield. New maps of the multimedia system with Google Earth so the left allow the view from the sky. The new BMW 3 Series is sleeker new maps of the multimedia system with Google Earth links also allow the view from the sky. The new BMW 3 Series is sleeker
If BMW really shoot the bird with this concept remains to be seen. If BMW really shoot the bird with this concept remains to be seen. It is clear that the three optical especially in the front has become sleeker. It is clear that the 3 optical especially in the front has become sleeker. Contributing to this are the small running lights. Contributing to this are the small running lights. Even the flanks into the rear lights drawn far to Strengthen the dynamics. Even the flanks into the rear lights drawn far to strengthen the dynamics. A well-trained athletes by then, a professional who has certainly only one goal in mind: the position of leader of the standings. A well-trained athletes by then, a professional who has certainly only one goal in mind: the position of leader of the standings.
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